The only thing in our circle of influence is who we become.
Unless you give up what you have, you will not find the new.
Don't buy a vacuum cleaner to clean the spider web!
Deal with that fear or insecurity behind that discomfort.
What you focus on Grows; make the right choice.
Accept what you can't change, the courage to change what should be changed and wisdom to distinguish
Where you spend your time defines what you value.
How many people would recommend you?
The only person people change for is Themselves.
The Power of Self Assessment.
The Real Problem!
I promise to start this.... tomorrow.
Give it your best shot and move from excuses to actions.
When we use our head, we judge, but when we use our Heart, we understand.
If you want others to get coached, lead by example, start with yourself.
Aspire and Act, Results will Follow!
Awareness has to lead to actions if you desire eXtraordinary results.