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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureKetan

Accept what you can't change, the courage to change what should be changed and wisdom to distinguish

There are cities where traffic is not easy to handle. The average time spent on travelling has been on a constant increase.

And this gets exhausting for many.

We think of tiredness as physical; it is not. It's mental. How would one otherwise explain a long road trip to be exciting? Think.

Here is how to deal with it.

The first step is to ACCEPT the situation. Don't spend time and energy on things you can't change. Check the traffic on the phone before leaving, accept the time it would take.

The second step is to make your journey exciting with what is in your control.

I know people who hit their favourite coffee shop before work. Some spend initial minutes at work with people who give them energy.

Some use their commute to do things which they love doing. Things like Books, Audiobooks, Newspaper, Music, Movies, Calling near and dear ones, Power Nap, Solving Puzzles, Carpool, Changing the mode of transport and breaking monotony are some I know works well.

They focus on what they can influence.

Love the below quote from the book ikigai.

Accept what you can't change, the courage to change what should be changed and wisdom to distinguish between them.

Why traffic, try this when dealing with any problematic situation 😀


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