Is past the only reference you have?
Acceptance is the first step to Action
What is the cost of not doing it?
Difficult Boss? Ask these "Five" questions before calling it a day.
We are never ready; if we were, we would have already done it.
The one you feed, grows.
What is that one thing you will start today?
Solve Problems Not People
Be Yourself! Be Truthful to Self!
That day he went for a Run!
You can't clear your graduation with the course material of tenth!
You will never be fully ready!
What we focus on Grows!
What is that one goal everyone should have?
I was not being the change I wanted to see in the world.
What would everyone say about my choice?
Transformation is a choice—a choice to make a difference to yourself.
I had so many ups and downs in my career.
What are you focusing on?
Be prepared for the next six months.