He: I am a hard shell to break.
Me: Why do you say so?
He: Well, you would see during the coaching process.
Me: Sure, but why do you say so?
He: I don't open up, and I have a lot inside.
Me: Do you remember the story about the pigeon and the cat?
He: The one where the pigeon would close its eyes when they would see a danger, especially a cat?
Me: Yes, and they would think that they were safe just because they can't see the danger.
He: Yup, amusing behaviour.
Me: What do you find amusing?
He: Just because you ignore it would not mean it does not exist.
Me: Just because you ignore that you have a softer side does not mean that you don't have one.
We went ahead to talk about the softer side of him, his personality, his life, his values, and there was a lot he started to discover in the process.
Do you also think you are a hard shell?