He: I procrastinate a lot. Me: Most of the times or at times?
No response; he gets thinking.
Me: You did mention about some of your passions earlier? He: Yes, I love reading.
Me: Nice, how frequently do you read? He: 30 minutes daily.
Me: Do you think you procrastinate there? He: No, I somehow find my ways.
Me: Why do you think that happens? He: Because I enjoy reading.
Me: Yes, we procrastinate about things which we don't like. He: But we cannot enjoy everything we do. What about the rest of the stuff?
Me: Do you enjoy brushing your teeth every day? He: No.
Me: So why do you still do it. He: I guess it has become a habit?
Me: Yes, but everything cannot become a habit too He: So, what to do then?
Me: Have you managed projects at your work? He: Yes, big one's
Me: Everyone is passionate about everything in a project? He: I wish, but rarely happens.
Me: So, what works? He: We break it down into smaller steps and an action plan. We write them down.
Me: And? He: Create a system of continuous reviews and check-in, create accountability checkpoint.
Me: Now you know how to deal with procrastination
He: Yes. If you don't love it, make it a habit, and if you can't make it a habit, break it into smaller action points with regular check-ins.