"I want to do these two courses before I turn 45."
Krish said with excitement and with glitter in his eyes.

Me: That's amazing. One should always have dreams to look forward to. Are these very long course?
Kr: I don't think so.
Me: Then why do you need seven years to finish these?
Kr: I need to put some money together for it.
Me: What is the kind of monetary investment required for these courses?
Kr: I don't know.
Me: How did you arrive at the 7-year horizon then? Why can't you do them in the next 12 months?
Kr: As I mentioned, I need money.
Me: But you don't even know how much?
Kr: Actually, these are good to do courses, so I am not putting too much energy and commitment here. More of a wish list, you know.
(Krish's dreams have become wish list now)
Me: How many such dreams cum wish list you had when you were in your 20s?
Kr: Quite a few.
Me: And how many did you pursue?
Kr: None, I never had the money.
Me: To how many did you give a shot?
Kr: Almost none.
Me: Are you sure it was about money only?
Krish goes silent.
Kr: I was comfortable doing what I was doing, did not push myself.
If it is not making you uncomfortable, it is not a dream; it is a secondary activity.
And secondary activities never get done.